

It has been fifteen years since the establishment of the Indian Christian Fellowship in Galway, Ireland. Beyond the boundaries of the church organization, we aimed at setting an example for Christian denominations, especially the Pentecostals. When I look back to the past, I can say without a doubt that God’s special protection and plans were in connection with us and with this work, as Lord guarded the people of Israel as a pillar of cloud during the day and the pillar of fire by night. I can testify that God’s special providence was with us throughout.

It was the month of May in 2005 that God brought us here in Galway as a family. There were only one or two Indian families here at that time. There wasn’t any Malayalee church where we could worship God in truth and spirit, this put a huge burden in my heart. I started praying for a Church, God intervened to me, to start a meeting in our house, where my wife Sosamma, daughter Elvy and son Joel use to reside.

Our God is a faithful God, He fullfills the good desires of His children. He helped us meet a Malayalee family in the very first week. Together with that family we were able to start a prayer group in June 2005. By the second half of 2005, many new families migrated to Ireland for work and God increased us in numbers every week. This small gathering was a blessing and deliverance to many. Through this prayer meeting God performed many miracles. There were people healed from diseases, many were saved, received Holy spirit and were baptized. God also opened miraculous ways for our church members relating to their job and needs.
Hearing the testimonies and deliverances by God more people gathered for the prayer meeting every week. But during the recession in 2010-2011 many families migrated to different countries due to financial crisis. Though we were very few in numbers yet God did not let us perish, our prayers did not cease. It did slowed down the work but did not allow the meetings to stop as our God is our caretaker .

As a result of constant prayers, God blessed us with new members as people came in here again for study and work. At present we have 17 families who worship together the Lord in truth and in spirit. The fellow brethren love and cherish the church and work hand in hand for the ministry of the Lord. God helped us to register Indian Christian Fellowship Galway as a Church in 2020, the constant prayers and zealous efforts of the children of God who sincerely prayed made our dream come true. It is only by His grace that we came this forth. Therefore, I would like to encourage my dear brothers and sisters by quoting the words of Paul to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. 1 Cor 15:58.

My Testimony

After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision:

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward”, Genesis 15:1

In 1999 during the midnight service, I got this verse as my promise verse, reading it I thought why this verse, it has already been given as a promise to Abraham I could that understand it at that point that our God is same today, yesterday, and forever. His all promises stand today as they were years ago. Later in that year God blessed me with his Gift of Holy Spirit and today when I look back he has given me countless rewards.

Walking with the Lord since a teenager has left me with so many experiences and testimonies it is hard to tell all in this testimony. The one that I want to share is when my younger daughter Alanna Wilson was born in 2015.After three days of her birth my Blood pressure begin to rise, and I got unwell. During evening because of the raised blood pressure, I started to get stroke (TIA), The team of Doctors who were looking after me could not make out what exactly is causing it. My left side become week, had facial droop, felt my lips are glue not able to speak. When I was going all through this my Husband Wilson Ross, was been sent out of the room. He could not understand what is happening. At that moment he received call from Sister Susan, who was ringing to ask how I am. He told her that I am not well She said I will come straight away with my husband. Brother john. Sister Susan and one other member of the church came, they came to my bedside and prayed for me. It was hopeless and thought I will die. But Jhon and Susan assured me and said nothing will happen to you trust in the Lord. They could not stay longer as Doctors were around me. That very moment I was surrounded by Presence of the Lord and his Healing power rested upon me. Peace, joy and love flowed in me. A minute ago, I was not able to move my legs, hands body, not able to talk, but after those prayers I was Healed. My Husband who was at my bedside at this stage too experienced his holy power.

I was been taken for CT-Scan shortly after all these, and I believed no damage has occurred, and Praise be to Jesus my CT-Scan was Normal. Next day I was much better and after 2 days I was sent home with my baby. Everything inside me was restored by the Holy Spirit. My Faith increased and today I can live normal life with no deficit. God has blessed me and my family manifold as per his promise.


My Testimony

Praise the Lord

I came to Ireland in 2018 to pursue my master’s at the National University of Ireland, Galway. During my first week here in Ireland, I was looking for a fellowship and church and I reached Discovery Church Galway. There I met brother John and he told me about the Indian Christian Fellowship Galway which is a Malayalam/Hindi Pentecostal Church. I was really blessed when I started going there. Everyone was so welcoming and helpful. I got a good fellowship and an amazing place to worship the Lord. Further, I was really blessed with the Bible teachings at the church. I started regularly going there and asked everyone to pray for me to get a job in Ireland. Finally, by God’s grace got a good job in 2019 in Ireland. I am really blessed by everyone’s prayer and support.

I would encourage everyone coming to Galway to join this fellowship and be blessed.
